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Donald Trump: Can a flawed human being lead a nation?

Writer's picture: Dr Chan AbrahamDr Chan Abraham

What are the standards to which we should hold public leaders?  Can a flawed human being lead a nation?  Come to that, can Donald Trump lead the greatest nation on earth?


Lawsuits, charges and allegations against Trump

This article is in response to a Linked In comment following one of my posts about Donald Trump, in which that comment’s author refers to the various lawsuits brought against Donald Trump and directly or by implication drew attention to character flaws, thereby questioning his leadership credentials. To these should be added the allegations from the time of his winning of the 2016 Presidential Election of: being a Russian asset and an impeachment for the January 6th event at The US Capitol. Both have been dismissed but it’s helpful to share information that many in the UK and, indeed the US, who rely on the legacy media, will not know.


Other suspects – Biden, Clintons, Harris, Obama

By way of a brief segway to a related topic, many in the UK equally may be unaware of the Biden/Harris/Obama administrations’ alleged links to child trafficking; Hunter Biden’s laptop showing criminal and depraved sexual activity that the FBI allegedly withheld from the public and the media claimed (again) was Russian disinformation, but whose public exposure would have destroyed Joe Biden’s (his father) tout from his basement for the Presidency in 2020; Hilary and Bill Clinton’s alleged less-than-wholesome actions; the reported 10 million illegal immigrants funnelled by the cartels over the US southern border and causing havoc in cities and towns- many criminals of the worst sort; or of the 325,000 children brought across the border by the cartels - all gone missing.


All of this is context that should be borne in mind when discussing Trump.


The “Russia-collusion hoax”

So back to Trump: the “Russia-collusion hoax” subsequently and irrefutably was found to be a set-up, with a chap employed by UK secret services being involved in fabricating some of the false evidence.  There’s a massive pile of reporting on all of this, including US Congressional hearings and much more.  Of course, the BBC et al haven’t covered it.

January 6th – The US Capitol “Riot”

In relation to January 6th the Democrats fixed the committee, and censored thousands of hours of CCTV footage.


There were 'government assets' (FBI) in the crowds who led the crowds into the Capitol. They had been grooming people on line for months prior. On 5th January 2021 Antifa vans were camped around the strategic points of the complex. These were the violent ones and they are captured on CCTV.


On 6th January Capitol police opened the doors, removed barriers and welcomed people into the building. Innocent people walked in by invitation. The well-known and colourful image of Jacob Chansley, the "shaman" falsely attributes violence to him when CCTV footage shows the opposite.


CCTV footage of those entering the Capitol is peaceful, with people walking with police. Many who were merely walking around the area on the day, including grandmothers, subsequently were arrested and are languishing in jail as political prisoners.


The violence was caused by those same government assets and Antifa mobs, the same ones who were out during the preceding year on the BLM riots.  ALL of this is captured on video tape. Many Americans and people across the world now have seen this. Those who live within their echo-chambers, feeding on the false and fake news of the legacy media will not have, and sadly will only have their prejudices and biases reinforced That's how totalitarian regimes operate and it is best seen in 1930s Germany.


Patterns of disinformation repeated in the UK

This pattern was observed in the UK with the BLM rioters who were given a free pass by Sadiq Khan and Cressida Dyke, chief of the Metropolitan Police, enabling them to damage and deface public property. The same pattern and people have been in the violent mobs n weekly “protests” on the streets of London following the terror attack on Innocent Jewish civilians on October 7th  2023.  They are noticeable by their wearing of “face-nappies”, masks, balaclavas, hoods and often black clothing.


True to this form, a small group of Left-Wing protesters against the Celebration of British Heritage on 26th October were the only violent ones that day and, true to form, they were masked. By contrast, the thousands of hardworking, genuinely concerned British people, of all backgrounds, ages, ethnicities and religious/beliefs were open-faced, happy, and smiling.


Britain and the West has been lied to by governments and their media allies for many years, but this has been stepped up a level since 2016, and even more so from the Government and BBC's attack on the public consciousness in 2020 with Project Fear. The ensuing loss of human life, the damage to our economy and destruction of our children's futures is on the hands of politicians, commentators, people in public institutions and, sadly, even those in the public who have railed against their fellow citizens for daring to dissent.


Flawed people

can be great leaders

There does not appear to be any leader who has endured as much opposition to his previous and now proposed leadership as Donald Trump.  He either is a master of deceit or an extraordinary man whose place in history will be secured beyond his unprecedented victory at the 2024 polls. 


The Trump Presidency will, we trust, address the cognitive dissonance that has caused much of the madness of the West. For the UK, if we are to find a way forward, then it has to be on the basis of us coming together in respectful, courteous and open discourse. Since 2020 this has been severely restricted and even more so with Starmer's rant against anyone who disagrees with his, Labour's and The Left's view. That is not democracy; it is not British; it is not acceptable, and it is not sustainable.


There does not appear to be any leader who has endured as much opposition to his previous and now proposed leadership as Donald Trump.  He either is a master of deceit or an extraordinary man whose place in history will be secured beyond his unprecedented victory at the 2024 polls. 


If the latter is true, then all of us who recognise that we are flawed, also can take heart that flawed people can be great leaders.



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